Sunday, 22 July 2012

welcome home sweetheart :)

my fren already came back yesterday...she went home coz her mother passed away a week ago..innalillah hiwainnalillah hirajiun...but,she came with new spirit..tabik kau!!!! she try to smile like bfore but mybe its hard but at least she try,,,she strong...hopefully she can stay survive along her lifetime...nahh,,nk gtaw sumtg ny...jgn nangeh2 da taw,nnt klo ko nangeh aq bg kitkat..:D ..kuatkn ati..Allah lebih syg dye,,nnt kt syurga jmpe blek...pasti....jgn risau,,BE STRONG...ME LOVE U TOO fren,ainul saadah shuhaimi :)


  1. hehe..mana aci kalau nanges baru dapat kitkat..bagi kalau tk nanges lahh..baru supportive namanya..hahha..nyway,thanks buddy a.k.a my real true uitm penang friend!!muaxxx!!

  2. mne bole bg kitkat mse xnangeh..pokai la aq,,hahaha..most welcome dude :)...muahhh jgak!!!
